Many candidates willing to take the CPA exams often waste most of their time figuring out which method will work for them to prepare for the CPA exam. Some opt for self-study, while others prefer taking review courses. And, there’s absolutely no problem whether you start on your own or take CPA classes, only thing that matters is the right approach or strategy to prepare for the exam.
At Andrew Katz Tutoring, the focus is on preparing a study plan tailored to the specific needs of each candidate. Andrew Katz is a CPA who passed the exam on his first attempt, scoring an average of 90 in all four sections. He is well aware of the hurdles a candidate has to face during their journey to become a CPA, therefore, he provides solutions that are effective and personalized for each student.
According to Andrew Katz, when you are preparing for the CPA exams, there are a few things you have to keep in mind. In this blog, you will find useful tips about how to clear the roadblocks and reach your final destination of becoming a CPA.
- Stick To Your Study Plans
Making a study plan is one thing; sticking to that plan is the most important thing. If you think cramming theory will work for CPA exams, you are mistaken! For a CPA, you have to start your preparation way ahead of your exam schedule. Further, you must take it seriously and stick to that plan for the entire period. You can create weekly plans that include learning concepts, reviewing materials, CPA classes, and mock tests. However, be a little flexible with preparations as there could be things that may happen that are out of your control. Better make plans week-wise, save at least 2 hours for weekdays and 6-8 hours a day on weekends. You should also schedule your exam early so you will have that end date in mind as a target.
- Maintain a Balance between free time and study time
Though preparations for CPA exams have so many hurdles, it doesn’t mean you have to keep saying “no” to things not in your study plan. All you need to do is maintain a balance between preparations and fun. You don’t have to make yourself overtaxed with studies, take some ‘me time’ to keep your mind calm and active throughout the exam journey. Try spending some free time with friends or family members; involve yourself in mind-refreshing activities.
- Study Anywhere
Carry your study materials wherever you go. You may have a lot of random opportunities to study, such as in transit, lunch breaks, airport lounges, or even laundry wait time. Having materials handy, you will have no time to waste. With Andrew Katz CPA Tutoring, you can even take your classes anywhere. These are online classes over Zoom calls, which you can take with a proper internet connection.
To prepare for the CPA exam in the best way, you should sign up for Andrew Katz Tutoring. Along with productive CPA classes, you will receive gold-standard personalized assistance to help you with your preparations. Moreover, you have options for private or group sessions that allow you to study in your own learning style.
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