When it comes to taking the CPA exam, there are several different factors that impact and influence your preparations. Besides study material, eligibility criteria, and state regulations, time plays a crucial role in your success, especially when you are taking this tough exam with other commitments. You may have to juggle family responsibilities, job, and study calendar to get through the exam. Thus, managing time efficiently becomes the major concern for most CPA candidates. In between all this fuss, CPA exam tutoring emerges as a great help, especially those offering online sessions. These sessions not only save you time but also enable you to plan your study while optimizing productivity.   

You can count on Andrew Katz Tutoring for your CPA exam preparations with time management skills. Moreover, here are some valuable tips that you can consider to meet the time challenge and ensure passing the exam.    


Split your Time- You might not be able to give three straight hours every day to study. So you can better split up your study schedule. For example, keep an hour in the morning, an hour at lunch to finish a topic, and at night before you go to bed. This is just an example, you can split your time at your convenience and flexibility. 


Forward-Looking Calendar – Projecting your study calendar is an excellent way to make a potential and full-proof study plan. Determine how many hours you can study every week, how many hours it may take to complete each section, and how many weeks later you should schedule your exam. These projections will help you stay on the right path to prepare and pass the CPA exam.  


Time-Bound Strategy – In addition to the forward-looking approach, you should frame a backward-looking strategy. This is crucial when you are attempting to complete a portion of the CPA exam by a certain date, such as before switching to a new job, before your brother’s marriage, etc. Just calculate how many hours it will take to finish all the sections, determine how many weeks are remaining, and estimate how much time you must spend studying each week. 


Weekly Goals – Make a goal to cover the entire course in eight weeks, plus two weeks for the final review. But your goal is setting checkpoints and not counting the study hours. For instance, aim to finish a topic in a specific time. Using this method allows you to be adaptable in your study schedule. At times, you can also reward yourself with a movie night or an outing with friends on a weekend, encouraging you to stay on track. 


Final Words! 

While you can implement these tips into your study plan, signing up for a CPA exam tutoring will hold you accountable for these time management strategies. For the best experience and effective results, join Andrew Katz’s tutoring. Whether you want private sessions or prefer group learning, the online sessions by Andrew Katz CPA exam tutoring will not only help you manage your time efficiently but also make you ready to take the CPA exam on time. You will receive guided tutoring to finish your study material along with your personal and professional commitments.